Recognizing and acting on our responsibility to assist parents in the Christian training and upbringing of their children, we continue to provide an excellent and extensive ministry for the children of our congregation. The goal of our Children’s Ministries is to reinforce the efforts of parents by providing Bible teaching and application, Christian fun and fellowship, and opportunities for Christian service appropriate to the children of Redeemer.
Christmas Bring & Sing! BRING a toy for children in need and SING Christmas songs! It happens on Sunday 12/8 during the 10:30am service. Kids of all ages will process into worship with an unwrapped toy to give to kiddos in need. Then, we’re performing a couple of Christmas songs – there’s a role for every age group! COSTUMES ARE PROVIDED! Please sign up HERE! Contact Laura Vowell ( or Nicole Olds ( with questions.
Family Advent Candle Lighting! It has been a long-standing tradition at Redeemer for families to participate in our Advent worship services by lighting the Advent wreath candles together. Each Sunday in Advent (12/1, 12/8, 12/15, 12/22), we need a family to light the Advent wreath candles during 9am, 10:30am, & Christmas Eve services. Families of any shape and size can do this – young families, couples, parents with their adult children, and beyond! If your family is interested, please sign up HERE! Contact Laura Vowell ( with questions or for more information.
St. Lucia Girls! We are in need of girls, dressed in their Christmas best, to carry the Christmas candle to the altar for each of our Christmas Eve services – Tuesday 12/24 at 10am, 4pm, & 8pm. If you have a young daughter who is interested in being a St. Lucia girl at one of the services, please sign up HERE! A chime ringer for that portion of the service is also needed. It is VERY easy – no experience necessary! Contact the church office ( with questions.