Holiday Worship Times


Lent is the forty days before Easter. Lent excludes Sundays because every Sunday is like a little Easter.  During the season of Lent, Lenten worship services are held two times on every Wednesday beginning on Ash Wednesday through the week prior to Holy Week.   Lunch is served at noon with Worship Service at 1:00pm in our Chapel.  Dinner is served at 6:00pm with Worship Service is at 7:00pm in our Sanctuary.


Maundy Thursday worship services are held on the Thursday prior to Easter.  Holy Communion is included at both services. Services are held at 1:00pm in our Chapel and 7:00pm in our Sanctuary.


Good Friday worship services are held on the Friday prior to Easter.   A traditional Good Friday worship service is held at 1:00pm in our Sanctuary and a more emotional Tenebrae Service is held at 7:00pm in our Sanctuary.  The Tenebrae service goes through the entire journey of Jesus including what he endured on the cross until his death.


Easter Vigil service on the Saturday before Easter.  It will begin at 5:00pm.  There are three Easter Sunday service times to celebrate Christ’s resurrection.  The early morning 7:30am service is the only service on Easter Sunday with Holy Communion.  It is held in our Sanctuary.  The 9:00am and 10:30am services are held in our Sanctuary.


Our Thanksgiving worship times are on Thanksgiving Eve at 7:00pm in our Sanctuary and Thanksgiving Day at 9:00am, also in our Sanctuary.


Christmas Eve Candlelight worship times are 10:00am followed by breakfast with Santa, 4:00pm, and 8:00pm in our Sanctuary.   There is no worship service held on Christmas Day unless Christmas Day falls on a Sunday.  In that case, there will be one worship service at 10:30am on that day.

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