FAQ for ShelbyNext Giving

Do I have to use ShelbyNext|Giving to give?
No! If you are comfortable with your current method of giving, you can continue giving in that way. We are using ShelbyNext|Giving as a tool for those that would prefer to give electronically.

How do I access ShelbyNext|Giving?
You can use ANY of the following options to get to Redeemer’s ShelbyNext Giving Page:

  • Go to redeemerbirmingham.org and click the “GIVE” box
  • Log-in to ShelbyNext Membership from your device and click “my giving” on the left toolbar and select “$ Give Now”
  • Text the word GIVE to 248-846-1211
  • Use one of the available Apps on your smart device (see details below)

Is there an App for my smart device?
Yes! There are two:

  1. ShelbyNext Membership App
    • View DIRECTORY, CALENDAR, GROUPS, and GIVE (You will NOT be able to VIEW/EDIT past giving in this APP)
  2. ShelbyNext Giving App
    • You can GIVE and VIEW/EDIT GIVING

Do I need to sign-in to give?
No, your email address will link your donation to your account, so you do not need to sign-in to give.

Why is there an option to sign-in?
This option is for those that would like to save their payment information for future gifts.  It is a SEPARATE log-in from your ShelbyNext membership log-in credentials. *See Shelby Giving instructions under the giving tab.

Are ShelbyNext Membership and ShelbyNext Giving the same?
They are linked, but separate. ShelbyNext Membership allows you to view your giving history, but in order to keep all sensitive financial information secure, ShelbyNext Giving is a separate platform with a unique log-in.

Can I set up a recurring donation?
Yes, when you are on the giving page you simply click, “recurring” and enter the requested information.

How do I edit my recurring donation?
When you are on the giving page, click “Sign-In” at the top of the form. Enter your ShelbyNext Giving Log-in Information *See Shelby Giving instructions under the giving tab, then edit.

How can I view my giving history?
Login to your ShelbyNext Membership account and click “My Giving” on the left sidebar and you will be able to see your giving history, download your giving statement, as well as access the giving page for future gifts/donations.

Is there a fee for online giving?

You will NOT incur a fee for online giving (Other than standard text messaging and data rates if you choose to text). Redeemer does pay a small processing fee for all online transactions. There is an OPTIONAL box you can check if you want to cover those fees in addition to your donation.

What is a MinistryID?
A MinistryID gives you a single login for both ShelbyNext Membership and ShelbyNext Giving or any other platform that may use MinistryOne. This is a multi-step process that will link both ShelbyNext Membership and ShelbyNext Giving to your MinistryID. If you would like instructions, email office@redeemerbirmingham.org and they will send you the instructions.


How long does it take for Redeemer to receive my gift?
It usually takes about 2-3 days between the time you give and when the gift appears in Redeemer’s bank account.

Is My Credit / Debit card Information Secure?
Yes. All sensitive financial information is stored with bank level security. All information is encrypted and stored by our banking partner to Level 1 PCI compliant standards. Additionally, all transmission to our banking partner and on our site is via an encrypted HTTPS connection.

How will my phone number be used?
Your phone number will never be sold, traded, or given out to third parties. You will only be texted to confirm your giving and receive responses to other requests you make.

How will I know when my credit card is charged?
Anytime your card is charged you will receive both an email and a text message confirmation from ShelbyNext|Giving system.

What if I accidentally type the wrong amount?
When you make a gift, you will receive a text confirmation that re-states the amount given. If you made a mistake, you can respond with the word “REFUND” within the first 15 minutes and you will not be charged. After 15 minutes, you can send ShelbyNext|Giving an email, and they will contact Redeemer for approval to process your refund.

Is it case sensitive? Do I have to put a $ symbol?
No. Gifts will work as 100 or $100 or $100.00 or 100.00 etc.  Any text you enter is not case-sensitive. 

What is the phone number I text and whose is it?
The phone number you are texting (248-846-1211) is a secure number that belongs to Redeemer, through ShelbyNext|Giving. It is used exclusively for giving.

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