If you were unable to attend church on Sunday morning, here are some options for you enrich yourself in our worship services:
- Watch our 10:30 worship service LIVE wherever you are at www. vimeo.com/RedeemerBirmingham. You can also download the VIMEO app on your smart phone or tablet (when using the app, search for redeemerbirmingham, but make sure you are searching PEOPLE and not VIDEO). If you can’t watch it LIVE, you can go online at anytime to watch recent or past services on demand.
- Monday night worship in the Chapel at 7:00pm.
- Listen to past Podcasts on www.lutheranchurch.podbean.com.
- CD & DVD’s of prior weeks services are available through the church office 248-644- 4010 for a nominal fee.
Click HERE to view the bulletins for that week.