Prayer Ministry is a group of individuals (also known as Prayer Warriors) that provide intercessory prayer, praise and thanksgiving on behalf of the needs of our church, community and world. Our Prayer Warriors are members or non-members who pray daily for those in need of prayer. There are several ways to request prayer for someone you know and love.
To submit a prayer request:
- You can speak to or email one of the Pastors
- Write a request on the “Notes to Redeemer” card found in your pew
- Tell a staff member or call the church office
- Email your prayer requests here at
- You may click here to fill out the Prayer chain form: Prayer Chain Form
If you’d like to become a member of our Prayer Warriors contact the church office. If you are a Prayer Warrior please inform the church office of any changes in your email address. We are thankful for our Prayer Warriors!
Any question regarding our Prayer Ministry, please contact Pastor James Greenwalt.