Patricia and her family joined Redeemer in 1988. At the time the family consisted of her husband, Mike and 3 children, Adam, Katie and Mike Jr. One year later Stephanie was born and baptized at Redeemer. Her Redeemer family has been her home away from home. The programs offered here helped them grow their children into the godly, moral, still church-going young adults they are today. From Sunday school to confirmation to Redeemer’s Youth programs, their children have been supported and pointed in the right direction: JESUS. Nearly from the beginning of their membership her husband, Mike, became (and still is) an usher. He has been an Elder for the past 20 years as well as past Congregational President. Patty has served as a Sunday School teacher, Bible Study leader, VBS volunteer and 5th grade teacher. She is currently on Leadership Team having served for YEARS. Prior to having children she was a high school teacher who received her Master’s in Counseling and training as a “Play Therapist”. Little did she know then how the Lord would lead her to take on the Directorship of Westmaple Nursery School in 2007. It has been her joy to serve the parents and children of the school where Jesus is the anchor and to work in the place she loves with the people she loves!
Patty can be reached at or the direct phone line – 248-646-5155